Saturday, September 25, 2010

170 In all...QThots

Added 40 more QThot's to the list.
The count now stands at 50 + 50 + 30 +40 = 170.
The challenge that I face every now and then is to put this in 140 char limit - as applicable for twitter posts. So, a few of these posts might not sound(read: read) that great!

Here are the links to the respective blog links with the QThot listings.

50 firsts followed by
50 seconds and
30 more thereafter.
The new 40 are as follows.
[Have thought of putting these(and the previous ones) on a website soon..let's see how it goes]

1) You can't pick a thing without touching it! Don't be shy, give it a try :)

2) Perhaps the only jigsaw puzzle that lets you build your own pieces and solve it is LIFE.

3) Finding replacements in relationships-failing to comprehend that each human being ,hence the nature,is unique- is sheer waste of time n life

4) "I don't doesn't imply I can't.."

5) If life amazes, you are growing. If life amuses, you have grown. If its none, you're done. Go get a life!

6) Fantastic is the ability of human mind to extrapolate from facts, what worries me is its sense of inclination and direction!

7) Taking steps is a sure-shot way of getting to goals!

8) An optimist tends to mistrust his mistrust, and trust his trust -to move ahead. A pessimist plays vice versa, thereby limiting his options.

9) A polished persona is a reverberation of its refined act!

10)हिंदुस्तान स्वतंत्र कहें या भारत को आजाद कहें |हिन्दू हो या कि मुसलमां हो सब मिलजुल कर एकसाथ रहें ||

...सुख साथ मनाएं और जो आयें तकलीफें -सब साथ सहें |धारा विशेष में सकुचित ना हों - अखंड नदी के साथ बहें ||

11) Be good at what you do to win the life's race..
Remember,even a minor trump beats the ace!

12) Initiatives aren't all about taking a jump-start.They must be sustained through challenges and kept running,till the goal is achieved.

13) The only thing I earned is all that I learned....

14) If you can't see the consequences of your actions, it hardly matters what else you see!

15) Learning comes to life if we can bring life to learning! [Get knowledge out of textbooks to life to daily lives!]

16) Life's shocks surprise us-if we too often claim,Our expectations,then,do deserve a bit of blame!]:^)

17) You are bound to surprise people if you do your homework right!

18) Attack is the best form of defence at times..and the best form of stupidity at others!

19) Take care ! Be ware ! Even the virtual world is round !

20) What are we without water? Curb Water wastage- Start today!

21) Cover up for the late start by running the last mile harder!

22) Never let a child in you wither away..You lose spontaneity and sincerity!Creativity and honesty soon follow the suit!

23) Address the facet you wish to engage!

24) Powered by restraints..Driven by constraints!

25) To acknowledge,absorb and repeat a *good* deed is its befitting reward! Propagate goodness!

26) All I can say is that there's room for cheers and festivities in life for everyone!Remember good times to sail through the bad ones!

27) The customs,rituals & practices associated with the festivals convey messages for life!Cerebrate first...Celebrate later!

28) It isn't enough for an expert to grow on expertise only.What's required is to know how to grow experts to make world a better place!

29) A quick check - Priceless relations don't come with price-tags..

30) Lesser the number of rules to follow, simpler the life.

31) To be a winner - be good at what you do..Remember, a trump can beat the ace!

[@11. Be good at what you do to win the life's race..Remember,even a minor trump beats the ace!]

32) The resounding echoes of the followers amplify a leader's resolve! So, trust and support able leaders!

33) I have known smile as the quickest in instruments for bridging the gaps!

34) All that matters is work howsoever small because it isn't small actually!

35) An old one rephrased - Money buys almost everything - from worthless to priceless - excluding both.

36) The balance of life gets disturbed because the weights don't weigh the same for everyone.

37) No two ways about the fact that two ways exist to run away from competition,both lead to victory if we choose right one at right time.

[Full: Here's the complete version:No two ways about the fact that there are two ways to run away from competition - one in the same direction and the other in the opposite one.Both can lead to victory if we know which one to choose and when.]

38) I rate experts higher than perfectionists, for they know when, and when not, to behave perfectly!

39) "This is not the worse(or worst) yet.." What does it represent -optimism or pessimism or optimism about


40) Two ways to kill addiction oneself:

a)Self imposed restraints-needs strong will

b)Self inflicted constraints-needs clever planning.

The page on Facebook is at MyThoughts and on Twitter at QThot .

Will catch up more on this later..
Looking forward to 200..Thanks for all your support this far.

[Update: 11 and 12 were repeated, so updated them as well]

Saturday, August 14, 2010

भारतीय स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर छोटी सी रचना ..

हिंदुस्तान स्वतंत्र कहें
या भारत को आजाद कहें |
हिन्दू हो या कि मुसलमां हो
सब मिलजुल कर एकसाथ रहें ||

सुख साथ मनाएं और जो
आयें तकलीफें -सब साथ सहें |
धारा विशेष में सकुचित ना
हों - अखंड नदी के साथ बहें ||

स्वतंत्र एवं अखंड भारत के नाम ....एक छोटी सी भेंट!
- अभिषेक

Monday, August 9, 2010

Its a a medium compendium of 30 more..

Here I must confess thing..50 quotes and 50 people liking the page was coincidental. I didn't intend it as a quote page, but a page to try out Facebook related stuff. You can see it by visiting different tabs of the page MyThoughts.
But it slowly transformed, and now after 100 likings and 130 QThot's later, here I am with a set of 30 new QThot's. Why 30? No idea! It's just that the number of people following the page rose up to 100 - a milestone number so can't wait to accumulate 20 more thoughts. So, check these out. As always -suggestions welcome:

1. If not a NO, let's at least opt for a LESS, lest we run short of time!
[Ref: Curb plastic usage now.]

2. If the options are limited,the choice is forced!Freedom of choice is not about mere selection but creation of options as well!

3. Necessity invents innovation.. There is always a better way :)

4. "It's not that I don't know! It's just that I don't show!!"

5. Avoid a bark or a bite over a bone of contention..Chances are you might lose it!

6. In my humble opinion, Social Network is a SOCIAL NET catching people with Zero NET WORK and results in Zero SOCIAL WORK..

7. If you expect, learn to pay respect!

8. Discard..but never disregard a point of view!

9. My resolve of the day: Be human, Behave like one -always!

10. Learning to read more is a prerequisite to reading to learn more..
[Alternate: Read more..Learn more..Read to learn more..Read more to learn..Read more to learn more..]

11. Try to be in the box to think out of it...

12. Bad conditions condition us to face the worse and appreciate better versions..Though the latter two never arrive for a complainer!

13. Never been able to think of anything sitting in front of TV or computer..Perhaps the reason why I would like to term as IDIOT BOXES!

14. Plan an alibi when you need one..Else ensure there is none..

15. Like to be one? Behave like one and sustain..

16. Does satisfaction imply lack of necessities?Thus, in turn, a killer for innovation and invention?

17. To cover up for a late act, add a jig or two more..
[Simpler terms: If u experience a delay in accomplishing one task..perform another one so the delay is averaged out. ]

18. Holding a mirror in hand is one thing and reflecting upon is another. My suggestion: Know the difference.

Come up with ways to move ahead
by using your mind..
Not with mere excuses
to stop and stay behind.

20. Conceal your efforts, practice and hard-work...What remains visible then is pure MAGIC!

21. Be Rational! Never overrate an achiever's luck and underrate a failure's efforts!

22. My behaviour is your perception! Live with it or improve :)

23. Truth lies in the entirety some times, lies in the entirety at others!

24. Never forget your matter how high your career shoots!

25. Sow good, grow better, Harvest the best!

26. How far you see defines how far you go!

27. Two sure ways to be in extremely swift in adopting it OR be extremely slow!

28. A true leader does not look out for men of action - he himself is one!

29. True leaders lead - When people actually need!

30. Wish willfully, Work skillfully..And make it happen actually!

(Old 100 in set of 50+50 are in the two previous blog posts)

And I am again clueless on what to write tomorrow! And day after..And so on!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

WOW! 50 More...

When I started with the idea of putting some of my thoughts on a facebook page..I never thought I would reach this far.
The compilation of first 50 quotes is here. I got a bit nervous when I completed those 50 -good,bad,sweet,"bekaar","bakwas"-kind of quotes..Now what!

But here I am..with set of 50 new quotes..and needless to say..I am still nervous on what will happen next! Will I get more ideas, thoughts, quotes etc..So just setting aside worries, presenting the newer ones.
Any feedback welcome!!

And yeah, I call them QThots - on Twitter

1. I hate I end up solving them!

2. A hearty chat is a healer...Did you heal anybody today?

3. Keep law on your side...if you can't, be on the law's side!

4. Evolution is the change to avoid change..Let's make it pleasant!

5. Provided the angle of criticality being the ego and preconceived notions..Thinking beyond them results in Total Internal Reflection..The purest form of reflection! A True picture of oneself!
The act of Self-Reflection is no different! Reflect before you act!

6. **** मतलब का यार हूँ ****

भूल जाओ मुझे ..पर दुनिया छोटी है..
गर दिल में छुपी बात खोटी है...
जाना हो तो जाओ मुझे छोड़ कर...
मगर मैं खड़ा था..हूँ..रहूँगा उसी मोड़ पर..
हूँ या नहीं...दिखूं या नहीं...
सुनूँ या नहीं..कहूं या नहीं..
हूँ मैं यहीं ..कहीं न कहीं..
न हूँ आस पास तो ये न समझना कि गया कहाँ, मैं बताता हूँ..
मैं मतलब का यार हूँ...बस मतलब पड़ने पर ही काम आता हूँ..

7. There's always more than what eyes see..ears hear..mind comprehends..Grab more with each passing moment!

8. Relinquish the I in me unto Him.

9. A beyond control development ensued flight getting home into jitters, killing 160+, leaving merely 8 number of people quivering...really shocking,terrible ulterior verity - WYRD...Xanthippe yielded zoothapsis!

10. You are as burdened as the number of problems you think you own..Its time to unload the soul

11. The world is full of opinions,views,criticism-but its rare to get a genuine feedback!

12. Believers achieve...achievers believe! That's cyclic growth!
[A variation: Achievers believe that believers achieve!]

13. Smiles are contagious..Did you infect anyone today?

14. Quit greed, get freed !!

15. Simple steps to inculcate good behaviour...Pretend, Follow, Behave!

16. For selling a product, remember that charm beats beauty..Aim for charm!

17. Never keep bad habits under control...Get rid of them!

18. What's out is out of your control..Look inside yourself to find your strengths..and reach the goal.

19. Be open to experiments, Be ready to fail,
Be eager to learn, You will never trail..

20. For things that you can't change: If it is..So be it..Let it be!

21. Beauty lies the beholder in the eye!
So, Keep your vision clean and clear!

22. Choose your words and Mind your actions -carefully! It helps!

23. Lets ensure we replenish mother Earth with what we consume. Planting a sapling is a good start!

24. Vulnerable competition lures people to misjudge..but presents an excellent opportunity to learn.

25. Business succeeds if the employer-employee relation can be defined with a single word -SYMBIOTIC!

26. Develop..Maintain..and if possible Enhance the better traits!
(Technical terms: Courtesy- Software Engineering)

27. Sometimes, the pettiest of the moments are the prettiest of them all!! Treasure them to last a life time..

28. Make an effort..Pull yourself up..Hold yourself tight..Rise..Reach the Top..And Shine!

29. Never ever let guilt drive your actions!! Its detrimental to mental health!!

30. ज्यादा तलने पर..जलने का खतरा होता है! So, control the excesses!

31. Better to be an underachiever than being an underperformer !

32. There is so much to learn,there is so much to know!
With a wish and a will, plunge deeper and let go!!

33. False praise..can sometimes raise the spirits for good but can cause deep wounds in the long run! Avoid!

34. The blown balloon of spiked success is susceptible to bursting by the same spike!

35. You really are unfortunate if you think you really are!

36. Money is meant to buy things that lie in the range of worthless to priceless,just an instrument that carries no value but is as worthy as the thing it buys!

37. The value of money is equal to the worth of the thing it less and importantly-no more!

38. Talk about people and people talk about you! So avoid GOSSIP!

39. Float the kite..when the wind is right ..मुनासिब परवाज़ के लिए हवा का रुख देख कर पतंग छोडनी चाहिए..

40. Perfection is not meant for urgent actions!

41. The way one uses information defines the character.

42. Luck favours those who have the vision to find it..

43. Historically, history was always..made on normal days!

44. Last impression lasts longer than the first impression! Its never too late to build an impression!

45. Best effort ensures exact results!

46. Discuss about someone else's weakness..I surely know one of yours, then!

47. If need be, influence slowly. Fast influence is short lived!

48. Be at the best to beat the best!

49. When you wish, mean it!

50. Untamed fame brings bad to the fore, the good gets hidden by it
So, always ride the wave of success, but never get ridden by it!!

Find the page on Facebook.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A compilation of ~50 Quotes so far

To commemorate ~50 people joining the facebook page My Thoughts, here is a compilation of appx 50 thoughts posted previously on this page. This will serve as a refresher :) for earlier followers while new ones can have a look at the old thoughts.


The whole lifespan will fall short...How could a day possibly suffice to pay ovation to the holiest thing alive..The face of God in our lives! Long live Mothers!!

Those who abuse, amuse me...they're actually taking out time for me!
I'm grateful!

Never let gloat ever let you bloat !

Retrospective builds basics...Basics build strength..Strength builds you!

Destiny destines the destination leaving the choice of path up to us..and its the only thing we could and we must control.

ये न हिन्दू जानती है , न जाने मुसलमां .. है इस से ही चलता, ज़िन्दगी का कारवां .. कौन लगा सकता है , रोटी की कीमत यहाँ.. है रोटी ही वो पहिया , जिस पे घूमे ये जहाँ..

We ACT when we are being prACTical..Being prACTical is a convenient excuse for our ACTions!

व्यवहारिकता को व्यवहार में नहीं आने देना चाहिए...सम्बन्धों पर प्रतिकूल असर पड़ता है. कुछ लोग शायद इस बात से इत्तफाक न रखें पर मेरी समझ में Practical Behaviour should be avoided..

Sure way to customer delight is addressing to his plight! Treat areas of pain to achieve unfathomable gain..

If anyone says "None of your business"...Tell him "None of your business"

Theoretically, cynics don't matter.Practically, you need to be a step ahead of the cynics

God made it single -hence universe...Man made it diverse!

Endorse what you promote...Follow what you preach..Do what you say...And you'll be a brand!

Strived for perfection...Never achieved it !!

God lies in lies to God!

Beware of taking reckless risks! How? Being aware surely helps with a bit of common sense...

Never act dear with the ones who hold you dear..They're the ones who make you dear!

Promoting good virtues is like publicizing the polished side of the coin...Who knows, it might just serve as a valuable guiding light for someone in future.

छींटे अगर आपके चश्मे पर हैं ..तो दूसरे का दामन तो दागदार दिखेगा ही ! नज़रिए को नज़र पर कतई हावी नहीं होने देना चाहिए...

Two words and a smile...makes the job all the more worthwhile!

Humility wins over every competition

Perfection lies under the blanket of delusion

When all things fail, basics prevail

Sharing brews prosperity

If you like must follow it!! If you follow will like it!! If you like it and follow it...nothing like it!! If you do neither....just enjoy the animation!!

The world is a small place...Let's make it roomy by lending a little part of our heart!

दिमाग़ खुदा की वो नेमत है..जो होता सबके पास है..पर इस्तेमाल करने की समझ हरेक के पास नहीं होती...कोशिश ये होनी चाहिए ..कि इस नेमत का क़ामयाब इस्तेमाल हो...

Human mind's general tendency is to flow with the flow...The latency in here is unpredictable...Hence, it should be zeroed.

आवाज़ ये खुदा की, जो तू आज सुन रहा है ... गर पहले तू ये सुनता, तो समां ही और होता !

Loophole is the gap between Foresight and Oversight..Mind this gap!

Master of will tames all

A man should be grown by the company he keeps..

Speak Up ! Pray ! Have your Say ! ..God listens and paves the way!

मेरी तो बस अर्ज़ी है.. आगे रब की मर्ज़ी है !

Never use 'YOU's to point fingers !

To to wait n watch and watch n wait..till its too late!

What's talent? Having an eye for an eye!
[2nd eye refers to eye of the target..Read more here]

The best and the rest are mutually exclusive..On second thoughts, the best of the lot comes from the rest of the lot!!

Being human being is about being good at being good AND being bad at being bad

Follow the able leaders to get inspired..Lead the followers ably to get motivated.There isn't a third class of people and everyone is everyone.

A kind kind of Man is a boon to Mankind..

I ain't good at words, managing to say the most awesome things in the most awful way sometimes!

Honesty in intent defines the extent to which a thought travels across barriers..

Appreciate your value, Value your appreciation !

You are bound by your limits...limits bind the know what to go on a living spree!!

This is what static electricity taught me - Be grounded to avoid shocks!!

न रहे पात, न रहे जात | न बहे रक्त, न बढे बात || न रहें भेड़िये बनके भेड़| जो बनें,मारिये उनको लात|

No matter how hopeless I go...I still come out hopeful !!

General Knowledge and Common Sense are the rare varieties of Knowledge and Sense!

I am no stronger than my confidence and no weaker than my over-confidence.


All of these and more can be found at Facebook and Twitter .

Monday, May 3, 2010

रोटी की कीमत

ये न हिन्दू जानती है , न जाने मुसलमां ..
है इस से ही चलता, ज़िन्दगी का कारवां ..
कौन लगा सकता है , रोटी की कीमत यहाँ..
है रोटी ही वो पहिया , जिस पे घूमे ये जहाँ..

Wrote this a week ago to reply to someone in office!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

No notable gyaan today..

In case you guys read comics on PC, its usually in PDF/DOC/CBR/CBZ/JPG formats.

We all know how to read DOC, PDF and JPG...but some of us want to know how to go ahead and read the comic books in CBZ/CBR formats. There are designated softwares available (eg here) for reading these books, but this simple hack will enable you to read the books with WinRar or Winzip.

No hard steps to follow...just rename .CBZ file as .ZIP and .CBR files as .RAR
Now the file becomes a simple archive which notably has image files inside..just unzip/unrar and go ahead..Enjoy!

Similarly CB7 is for 7z and CBT for TAR.
Find more info at wikipedia here

Friday, April 16, 2010

I thought of a thought to quote as a quote...

I thought of a thought to quote as a quote..10
I slept a sleep and it was all gone..9
It seems I need, to mind my mind..8
Which has a mind of its own..7
I wish that it happens so..6
With this will , I will..5
Surely hone my hone..4
Hope the thought..3
remains unlike..2

I have tried my hand at writing something I never heard of!
Firstly, the number of words descend with every passing line 10 to 1.
Secondly, not necessarily, but a rhyme pattern is there (gone, own, hone, sojourn).
Thirdly, I have tried to use same words as nouns and verbs.

As for English, I doubt if its 100% correct! Its just an idea..What could really strengthen this paradigm is:
1) Good vocabulary .. so that one is not short of CORRECT words
2) Good Grammar .. So that the usage of tenses, nouns, verbs(blah blah) are proper.
3) A thinking mind :) for things like word, character spacing etc, so that it looks perfect, and others.

I hope, someday I could do that...Till that time, if any reader of this post finds suggestions/ improvements, I will be more than happy to read and incorporate those ;)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An eye for an Talent

Don't get bemused by the title of this post! It has nothing to do with revenge and similar sentiments. It's all about the talent...

Let's take a small example:
We know of Dronacharya who taught various military arts to the royals of Hastinapur - Pandavas and Kauravas. He asked Yudhishthira and others, what they saw when asked to shoot a bird's eye. While others "saw" tree, forest, Dronacharya himself, bird et al, it was Arjuna, who reported seeing only the eye of the bird. Needless to say, he was the only one successful in his attempt of shooting the bird's eye and went on to become one of the greatest archers world ever saw!

There are two things that instantly come to my mind on recalling this story:
1) Arjuna was dedicated and focussed towards the goal...thereby striking the bird's eye correctly. He, thus, went on to become a great warrior as a result of this particular trait of his.
Lesson: We must focus on the right things - of course, the problem that may arise is to find out what is right! The answer lies in the second point below.

2) Arjuna had a natural talent to hit the targets - his eye was great at that. And moreover, he followed his guru's instructions to the hilt, thereby striking the eye of the bird. Rest of the royal disciples too had an eye -which wasn't too great at complementing the arrow - but must have possessed few other skills. It's because one cannot afford to lose the focus on the surroundings while concentrating on the target in a battleground.

All of us have a good eye for few targets and not-so-good eye for others! If we go by the analogy in the above story, Talent, in this case, is nothing but having an eye for the (bird's) eye; hence the title of this post.

All of us are talented in some way or the other and possess an expert-eye, what's needed is the bird's eye. How? The answer lies in the analogy itself - it's the responsibility of a mentor - teacher -or a leader to guide and nurture the talent in the right direction.

We can only imagine what Amitabh Bachchan would have had done, if he were a cricket player OR Sachin Tendulkar, had he been an actor. It's their talent -their respective birds' eye...Now it's your chance to find out your talent, your eye and polish it to the full to see what you ought to see!

P.S.: Publishing without proof read, please mark any mistakes in comments if you find any..

[Edited after a proof read on Oct 06, 2010. Made few corrections.]

Friday, March 26, 2010

Back and how?

Time in hand is a this fast moving world. A blog or two in a year was the maximum I could do despite wanting to do so. I guess, other people also face this situation - probably one of the reasons why micro-blogging (eg Twitter) picked up. You don't have to come up with a 100-200-500 or more words article to share your thoughts...a mere 140char was enough -though some feel its not :)

But it definitely serves the purpose...Moreover, it has helped me to write blogs more frequently..this one is the first of the lot.

What I plan to do is this:
1) A profile page to post my thoughts..preferably on Facebook -so that character limit is not there to bother about - though keeping character limit in mind for step 2. (See the profile badge on the right)
2) Link it to Twitter account for automated posting.
3) Take one of the multiple thoughts to write the idea behind the thought..perhaps that way I might pick blogging again.
4) This is not yet implemented: Post these updates via SMS and social n/w et al to friends.

The road looks promising..

P.S. People all over the globe will be celebrating Earth hour today ( and do your bit as well!

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