Thursday, July 8, 2010

WOW! 50 More...

When I started with the idea of putting some of my thoughts on a facebook page..I never thought I would reach this far.
The compilation of first 50 quotes is here. I got a bit nervous when I completed those 50 -good,bad,sweet,"bekaar","bakwas"-kind of quotes..Now what!

But here I am..with set of 50 new quotes..and needless to say..I am still nervous on what will happen next! Will I get more ideas, thoughts, quotes etc..So just setting aside worries, presenting the newer ones.
Any feedback welcome!!

And yeah, I call them QThots - on Twitter

1. I hate I end up solving them!

2. A hearty chat is a healer...Did you heal anybody today?

3. Keep law on your side...if you can't, be on the law's side!

4. Evolution is the change to avoid change..Let's make it pleasant!

5. Provided the angle of criticality being the ego and preconceived notions..Thinking beyond them results in Total Internal Reflection..The purest form of reflection! A True picture of oneself!
The act of Self-Reflection is no different! Reflect before you act!

6. **** मतलब का यार हूँ ****

भूल जाओ मुझे ..पर दुनिया छोटी है..
गर दिल में छुपी बात खोटी है...
जाना हो तो जाओ मुझे छोड़ कर...
मगर मैं खड़ा था..हूँ..रहूँगा उसी मोड़ पर..
हूँ या नहीं...दिखूं या नहीं...
सुनूँ या नहीं..कहूं या नहीं..
हूँ मैं यहीं ..कहीं न कहीं..
न हूँ आस पास तो ये न समझना कि गया कहाँ, मैं बताता हूँ..
मैं मतलब का यार हूँ...बस मतलब पड़ने पर ही काम आता हूँ..

7. There's always more than what eyes see..ears hear..mind comprehends..Grab more with each passing moment!

8. Relinquish the I in me unto Him.

9. A beyond control development ensued flight getting home into jitters, killing 160+, leaving merely 8 number of people quivering...really shocking,terrible ulterior verity - WYRD...Xanthippe yielded zoothapsis!

10. You are as burdened as the number of problems you think you own..Its time to unload the soul

11. The world is full of opinions,views,criticism-but its rare to get a genuine feedback!

12. Believers achieve...achievers believe! That's cyclic growth!
[A variation: Achievers believe that believers achieve!]

13. Smiles are contagious..Did you infect anyone today?

14. Quit greed, get freed !!

15. Simple steps to inculcate good behaviour...Pretend, Follow, Behave!

16. For selling a product, remember that charm beats beauty..Aim for charm!

17. Never keep bad habits under control...Get rid of them!

18. What's out is out of your control..Look inside yourself to find your strengths..and reach the goal.

19. Be open to experiments, Be ready to fail,
Be eager to learn, You will never trail..

20. For things that you can't change: If it is..So be it..Let it be!

21. Beauty lies the beholder in the eye!
So, Keep your vision clean and clear!

22. Choose your words and Mind your actions -carefully! It helps!

23. Lets ensure we replenish mother Earth with what we consume. Planting a sapling is a good start!

24. Vulnerable competition lures people to misjudge..but presents an excellent opportunity to learn.

25. Business succeeds if the employer-employee relation can be defined with a single word -SYMBIOTIC!

26. Develop..Maintain..and if possible Enhance the better traits!
(Technical terms: Courtesy- Software Engineering)

27. Sometimes, the pettiest of the moments are the prettiest of them all!! Treasure them to last a life time..

28. Make an effort..Pull yourself up..Hold yourself tight..Rise..Reach the Top..And Shine!

29. Never ever let guilt drive your actions!! Its detrimental to mental health!!

30. ज्यादा तलने पर..जलने का खतरा होता है! So, control the excesses!

31. Better to be an underachiever than being an underperformer !

32. There is so much to learn,there is so much to know!
With a wish and a will, plunge deeper and let go!!

33. False praise..can sometimes raise the spirits for good but can cause deep wounds in the long run! Avoid!

34. The blown balloon of spiked success is susceptible to bursting by the same spike!

35. You really are unfortunate if you think you really are!

36. Money is meant to buy things that lie in the range of worthless to priceless,just an instrument that carries no value but is as worthy as the thing it buys!

37. The value of money is equal to the worth of the thing it less and importantly-no more!

38. Talk about people and people talk about you! So avoid GOSSIP!

39. Float the kite..when the wind is right ..मुनासिब परवाज़ के लिए हवा का रुख देख कर पतंग छोडनी चाहिए..

40. Perfection is not meant for urgent actions!

41. The way one uses information defines the character.

42. Luck favours those who have the vision to find it..

43. Historically, history was always..made on normal days!

44. Last impression lasts longer than the first impression! Its never too late to build an impression!

45. Best effort ensures exact results!

46. Discuss about someone else's weakness..I surely know one of yours, then!

47. If need be, influence slowly. Fast influence is short lived!

48. Be at the best to beat the best!

49. When you wish, mean it!

50. Untamed fame brings bad to the fore, the good gets hidden by it
So, always ride the wave of success, but never get ridden by it!!

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