Friday, September 28, 2007

File size in bytes using command prompt

How do I get the size of a file in bytes (purely in numbers) on Command prompt:

After much R&D I got to the following command:

FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %i in (`dir /b for.txt`) do %~zi

The last part after do can be replaced by SET %~zI = %size etc.. to use this in the batch files.
The delimitter is backq, i.e. ` and not '

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ask Questions OR find answers??
Ask Questions OR Find Answers...This thought constantly lingers in my mind...since college time (may be from school time..don't remember exactly). [Absolutely my personal opinion ..No offenses meant]We are told ,since our childhood, by our teachers in school, lecturers in college and trainers in sessions (from hereby onwards referred to as presenters) that ASK QUESTIONS whenever you have a doubt or any such similar feeling :) Hats off to the presenters who are so much supportive as to clarify confusions and doubts from our minds. So far so good....if they clarify the points, the session becomes successful and even if they don't, they usually excuse themselves by citing some or the other reasons. I don't mind :) What happens to many of us after attending successful sessions is that we now understand that asking questions is our prerogative. Again, I agree, it is indeed.This might lead to a tendency - A tendency to ask a question on the slightest of doubts. Mind you, its not confirmation of the personal thought/ideas. They simply ask the question bluntly...not giving a second thought to find the answer of the problem.I have felt this a plenty of times..when the solution/answer is easy to find and is easily achievable by common sense. But somewhere in our minds, we have a feeling that the person to whom we are asking the question/clarification knows all and we are sure of a prompt reply..(What a time saving jig...)But in the process, we lose the knack of solving problems. I am not against asking clarifications for doubts...whether genuine or not. But if time constraints permit, we should probably first try to find the solutions ourselves rather depending on someone else to do the honours!! The answer lies with us mostly.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Money as motivation

All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind - Aristotle

How many of you agree with that? Before rejecting the statement outrightly, please think about it with a cool mind.

Normally, we would say money provides motivation and once you are motivated, its unlikely that your mind degrades.

What I mean here is that paid jobs usually(not always) takes you as a BLACK BOX with certain capabilities and the employer/manager etc give you the minimum input and look for expected output. Although you feel that you are working hard and are motivated by the appreciation you get for your sincerity, you are not using your mind to the extent you should be using.

Even if you explore few things here and there and say you are learning and enhancing your skills, your mental ability might not be on a rise.

What happens is we mistake our work and relevant skills as a measure of our mind's ability. I feel that you can be on a always increasing learning graph if your motivation is real and not the imaginary one like the ones mentioned above.

This means that the 'PAID JOBS' mentioned in the quote is the surreal means of motivation। Wanna upgrade you mind, go for real motivation.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Another NOTEPAD blunder

Create a new folder on your desktop with the name NOTEPAD.
Now open any page in Internet Explorer and go to View > Source.
Instead of the source code, the folder will open.

Try it!!

Notepad LOG facility

Here is what you can see in the Notepad HELP file:-(Yeah it's not a hi-fi tip)
(Just search for LOG there)

To append a log to a document

On the first line of a Notepad document, type the following extension at the left margin, making sure you use all uppercase letters and include the period:

On the File menu, click Save.

Every time you open this document, Notepad will append the current time and date to the end of the document, as specified by your computer's clock.

Now this is a very good feature...not requiring any programming or technical skills and helps to maintain records with correct date and time.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

हिंदी blogging काफी कूल है!!!

यह मेरा प्रथम हिंदी blog है ! इसलिये कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा कि क्या लिखा जाये॥
कोई बात नहीं...बाद में सोचेंगे कि क्या लिखना है...
आपका धन्यवाद यहाँ आने के लिए |


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